Why Copywriting is Essential for Social Change Training Programs

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Even if you’re the best, most passionate trainer in the world – none of that matters if no one hears you. So in a world with trillions of web pages, it can be hard to stand out and make a difference.

And if you’re a trainer or educator focused on social change, you need to learn how to heighten your digital voice so you can make your mark on the world. You want to help people. But people need to know you exist for that to happen.

So let’s go over a few principles of copywriting that will elevate your voice and compel people to take action.

What is copywriting?

In short, copywriting is the art of creating powerful, engaging content that encourages the reader to take action. The text (the copy) is written from a marketing perspective with the human brain in mind.

So whether you’re getting people to register for your online course or you’re just inviting the neighborhood to come listen to your presentation, effective, compelling copy persuades the reader into taking action.

Here are three core principles of copywriting you should keep in mind anytime you’re posting content online. From course descriptions to ads – you can use these strategies to make a huge difference.

3 Principles of copywriting you can apply as a trainer and educator

You can apply these copywriting principles in just about every aspect of your digital presence. If you’re creating a landing page for training registration, a Facebook ad for an event, or even a description of your course – all of these principles remain true.

Keep your specific needs in mind as you read through these principles and think about how you can apply them to your online writing.

1. Choose your audience

The first thing you absolutely have to do is choose a reader.

And no, you’re audience cannot be everyone. Because a wealthy Toronto socialite does not care about your small-town Mississippi union meeting ad you’re posting on Instagram.

So before you write anything online, think:

  1. Who do I want to read this?
  2. How can I help them?
  3. What interests them?

By answering these questions, you’ll know who you’re writing for. This gives your copy purpose and will make it infinitely more readable and engaging.

2. Make your voice heard

Answer this question: If you don’t know something, what do you do?

You Google it.

So if someone doesn’t know what a union is or wants to know the history of Black Lives Matter – chances are they Google it. And while Google may seem like magic, copywriting teaches us that there is a science and strategy behind getting to the front page.

That’s why if you want people to sign up for your online course, you need this copywriting skill to have people find you. And that skill is SEO – Search Engine Optimization.

It involves carefully – and naturally – including keywords in your copy so that the all-powerful Google algorithm grabs your page and ranks it at the top.

Now it’s time to go back to step 1 – think of your target reader. Then think, “what will they Google?”. After, use a free keyword generator tool like Ahrefs to find helpful phrases that will rank well.

For example, let’s say you have an online course on how to combat union-busting tactics. The term “Union busting” was searched 2,000 times in January 2022. So, you could use this keyword in your course title and description to increase the chances of you showing up on page 1 of Google 2,000 times per month.

In other words, with a little bit of keyword research, you can guarantee your voice is heard.

3. Reel them in with a KISS

The most important principle in copywriting: Keep It Simple, Smartypants.

We’re in a fast-paced world and you’re copy needs to be powerful, to the point, and in the language of the people.

Once you actually show up on Google, you want people to click on your page. So with a simple and compelling title – you’ll land a hook. Then, you reel them in with compelling, readable content. And finally, you catch them with a Call to Action.

Let’s look at two examples on Instagram. Which title catches your attention more?

Upcoming online workshops. Leading an Online Training.


Looking Towards a Better Future: Let’s Talk Intersectionality.

Definitely the second, right? Blair Imani, a well-known digital social activist, uses powerful copy to bring in readers and engage them with simple and emotional copy. She then uses a sense of urgency to encourage people to sign up.

It’s not enough to just add in keywords, those keywords need to lead the reader to compelling content that drives them to action.

Use powerful writing for good

It’s not just Internet celebrities and communications wizards that can create engaging content. By applying a few principles, anybody can make their voice heard.

And as a social change educator, it’s essential that you’re able to reach out to as many people as possible. You can use lots of online references like Webfx or Copy Posse to learn how to master some basic copywriting skills and make the world a better place. 

Try applying some of these principles and let us know how it works out in the comments below!

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